Opportunities all 2025 in the PNW to hunt, fish and forage

Happy New Year! I don’t know why I get so excited each year as the calendar turns over, but I do. Another year full of fishing, hunting, and foraging opportunities in 2025 is ahead of us, and this blog post will break it down. Think of this list as inspiration and ideas, not necessarily as … Read more

Will we get to fish for Washington Coast Steelhead in 2024-2025

Steelhead breaking surface

The short answer to this question is that it’s highly likely we WILL get to fish for winter steelhead on a majority of coastal rivers in Washington this 2024-2025 season.

Update on 12/1/2024: The answer is yes, we will get to fish for winter steelhead on many rivers according to WDFW News Release here.

The primary reason for that is the much better wild steelhead forecasts that WDFW unveiled earlier in October for rivers up and down the coast. Finally! Some good news on this front after several years of incredibly disappointing forecasts and perplexing fishing seasons that limited even the hatchery fishing opportunities in places with little to no impact on wild steelhead.

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Washington Coastal Steelhead update after Oct 2023 Townhall

Bright chrome coastal steelhead

Last night was the first of several meetings that included the public, on the topic of the 2023-2024 winter steelhead season for the coastal rivers of Washington. In this blog post I will share what I learned and my overall impression of things.

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Are you ready for more Washington Steelhead drama prior to the 2023-2024 season?

Steelhead breaking surface

Hopefully you are right in the middle of a great run of salmon on your local river as chinook, pinks and coho all steam into streams all over Western Washington.

While, summer seems to have just ended (emphatically) with the latest edition of the atmospheric river arriving this weekend and continuing into next week, it’s never too early to start previewing what we can expect during the 2023-2024 winter steelhead season.

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Washington State Steelhead update January, 2023

steelhead 15 lb buck
Steelhead 15 lb buck

We are about halfway through the month of January, and for many folks, the steelhead season in the state of Washington has been predictably frustrating. However, there are some bright spots you should certainly be aware of and some updates to the content here that I want to highlight.

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Chehalis River Winter Steelhead 2022-2023

Perfect steelhead drift

What’s really going on with the Chehalis River winter steelhead season of 2022-2023? Why are recreational anglers being denied access to consume hatchery steelhead and coho which have been raised for the purpose of consumption via the license fees we’ve spent?

Is this all to protect and conserve the vital wild stocks of steelhead whose numbers have dipped precipitously over the last decade and haven’t shown signs of recovery?

Some of the answers may surprise you…

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