Let’s take a deep dive look into all of the *proposed* and nearly finalized salmon seasons for Puget Sound in 2024.
Happy New Year! I don’t know why I get so excited each year as the calendar turns over, but I do. Another year full of fishing, hunting, and foraging opportunities in 2025 is ahead of us, and this blog post will break it down. Think of this list as inspiration and ideas, not necessarily as … Read more
Let’s take a deep dive look into all of the *proposed* and nearly finalized salmon seasons for Puget Sound in 2024.
I endured 6 hours of North of Falcon zoom meetings to bring you these fresh-off-the-grill salmon forecasts for the year 2024!
Okay, it wasn’t that bad. This forecast “unveiling” was the beginning of the North of Falcon process, wherein the salmon seasons get set and eventually printed prior to the July 1st new regulations year.
If you’re already confused, you are in good company as the entire process of salmon forecast models and the resulting seasons leave a lot of recreational anglers who are only semi-familiar with the process scratching their heads.
I recently got back from a coastal river, where my plan was to take part in three epic PNW harvest opportunities, all within a short distance of each other. Where else can all three of these activities be done outside the Pacific Northwest? I love that we can plan a day like within a few … Read more
This is the big forecast news dump we’ve been waiting for! There’s so much information on what we can expect with regards to salmon fishing in Puget Sound revealed at the beginning of North of Falcon with these forecasts now released.
There was also some framing of the kind of salmon seasons we can expect. I will unpack all of it for you in this blog post, including details about the nearly 4 million pinks (humpies) expected to return to Puget Sound in 2023!
The 2022 Puget Sound Salmon Forecasts have been released! Here’s my coverage of what was shared via Zoom by WDFW.
Tracking all of the news and developments as the 2022 Puget Sound Salmon Season takes shape through the North of Falcon process and eventually becomes our season for fishing the Puget Sound for Salmon.
We are now within a week or so from getting the final 2021 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons, and based on what’s in the proposed / draft version, it’s mostly good news for the summer salmon season, though 2022 Blackmouth is still a problem.
The 2021 Puget Sound Salmon Forecasts have been released! Here’s my coverage of what was shared via Zoom by WDFW.
2021 Salmon seasons are now finalized as the North of Falcon process which determines the sport fishing seasons working with the tribes, concludes.
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu) is currently open until April 30th for hatchery chinook. Marine Area 13 is the only place to fish for hatchery chinook in May. Starting in June and into July, the opportunity expands considerably, see the details below.