Why you should fish Buoy 10 and our lessons learned

Buoy 10 chinook posed

Every year I have a friend who has fished with me from Arizona for the past 14 years. We’ve done many fisheries all over Western Washington and this year we decided to take on the mother of them all: Buoy 10.

Keep reading to learn why we chose Buoy 10, why you should consider it, and a few lessons we learned as Buoy 10 newbs.

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Washington State Steelhead update January, 2023

steelhead 15 lb buck
Steelhead 15 lb buck

We are about halfway through the month of January, and for many folks, the steelhead season in the state of Washington has been predictably frustrating. However, there are some bright spots you should certainly be aware of and some updates to the content here that I want to highlight.

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Washington Winter Steelhead Update January 2021

Nice coastal steelhead January 2021
Nice steelhead from a coastal Washington river in January 2021

We are only a couple of weeks into 2021 and the early winter steelhead season is winding down already. I like to think of the winter steelhead season as broken down into thirds: Early, middle, and late.

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