Orting Foothills Trail Biking

The Foothills Trail runs parallel to the Carbon River
The Foothills Trail runs parallel to the Carbon River for a stretch near the town of Orting

Okay, so maybe you can’t quite convince your family to join you on an epic quest for winter steelhead or blackmouth, but recreating outside together is an essential part of experiencing the PNW Best Life.

Last week, we were finally rewarded with a nice stretch of sun, and that pattern looks to repeat for most of this week as well. All bets are off after that! So why not dust off the ole bike and get the family out riding (or walking) on the awesome Foothills Trail near Orting, WA?

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Puget Sound Fishing Update for September, 2019

Nice late king on the carbon
Nice late king on the carbon

Did summer ever actually happen? Technically, September is still summer, but it sure feels like we are now in the fall. It doesn’t help that all the stores have Halloween stuff out, the autumn beers are on the shelves and the salmon are in the rivers! Let’s cover what the options are in September to get into some salmon.

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Pink Salmon Fishing Puget Sound 2019

Pink salmon from the salt
Pink Salmon from the salt

So you heard the forecasts at the start of the year in the North of Falcon process, Pink Salmon fishing was supposed to be ho-hum this year. I think we can safely conclude that the prediction was a tad conservative.

The salt and now the rivers are stuffed with Pinks. If you read this blog early in the year, you know we predicted this to be the case.

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