My fastest chinook limit in Puget Sound

Fastest limit of chinook salmon on a solo trip near Point Defiance in Marine Area 11

Salmon fishing in Puget Sound right now is exceptional! And for the most part, we’ve had a really good season in 2024. This blog post will discuss where we are in our Puget Sound salmon seasons and share my recent trip limiting on chinook in 5 minutes from the boat launch in Marine Area 11.

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Puget Sound Crab Season 2024

limits of summer salmon and crab from Puget Sound

Now we know it’s summer right?! When WDFW Announces the summer crab regulations for Puget Sound, it’s like “Game on!”

Dropping crab pots and fishing for salmon in Puget Sound is an annual event, heritage and pastime that many of us have built fond memories participating in.

This blog post breaks down all the specifics, provides links to helpful resources and adds some additional insight and ideas for your crabby summer plans!

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2024 Puget Sound Spot Shrimp Season

shrimping hood canal round pot 3

Our favorite time of the year is at hand! The opportunity to harvest the delicious, the delectable, the delightful: Spot Shrimp of Puget Sound.

This blog post has all the basic information you need to know about the seasons in 2024 and a few helpful resources to refresh your shrimping knowledge since it has been about a year since we were last out there hauling up our pots.

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Puget Sound Salmon Forecasts 2024

Couple of beefy puget sound chinook

I endured 6 hours of North of Falcon zoom meetings to bring you these fresh-off-the-grill salmon forecasts for the year 2024!

Okay, it wasn’t that bad. This forecast “unveiling” was the beginning of the North of Falcon process, wherein the salmon seasons get set and eventually printed prior to the July 1st new regulations year.

If you’re already confused, you are in good company as the entire process of salmon forecast models and the resulting seasons leave a lot of recreational anglers who are only semi-familiar with the process scratching their heads.

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Reviewing 2023 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons and Preparing for 2024

marine area 10 chinook king salmon near seattle aug 2023

I recently attended the Puget Sound Salmon Town Hall earlier this week where we reviewed the 2023 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons, examined the weather and environmental conditions, introduced the 2024 North of Falcon schedule and WDFW attempted to answer questions from a frustrated public.

In this blog post I highlight the parts I think you should be aware of.

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Why you should fish Buoy 10 and our lessons learned

Buoy 10 chinook posed

Every year I have a friend who has fished with me from Arizona for the past 14 years. We’ve done many fisheries all over Western Washington and this year we decided to take on the mother of them all: Buoy 10.

Keep reading to learn why we chose Buoy 10, why you should consider it, and a few lessons we learned as Buoy 10 newbs.

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Should we lie to WDFW about the fish we caught?

Box full of fresh chrome salmon

You might be thinking this is a ridiculous blog post just from the title, but it’s actually a really important question to think through with a full understanding of how our fishing and catching data is used by WDFW. By attempting to apply logic and reason to this question we will hopefully illuminate some things we may not fully understand.

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Puget Sound Salmon Seasons 2023

Neah Bay Chinook King Salmon June 2023

We made it, we’re finally here in the summer of 2023! And, I cannot believe I haven’t yet made a comprehensive post about the Puget Sound salmon seasons this year. Inside this blog post I will cover the “likely” seasons WDFW has published for Marine Area 5 – 13, the catch charts that give you some idea about timing the runs, and some of my thoughts on each area.

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