Opportunities all 2025 in the PNW to hunt, fish and forage

Happy New Year! I don’t know why I get so excited each year as the calendar turns over, but I do. Another year full of fishing, hunting, and foraging opportunities in 2025 is ahead of us, and this blog post will break it down. Think of this list as inspiration and ideas, not necessarily as … Read more

Fall Fishing, Hunting and Foraging Opportunities are Incredible in 2024

Ray holding a nice coho buck from the coast

We are almost to the halfway point of fall 2024, and oh baby, has it been a good one! Fall is my favorite season, largely due to the incredible variety and quantity of opportunities to harvest wonderful food from the land through fishing, hunting, and foraging.

The blog post covers some of my recent highlights fishing, hunting, and foraging, and tries to point you in the right direction if you want to pursue some of these same opportunities.

Let’s get to it!

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Epic PNW Adventure for Salmon and Mushrooms October 2023

I recently got back from a coastal river, where my plan was to take part in three epic PNW harvest opportunities, all within a short distance of each other. Where else can all three of these activities be done outside the Pacific Northwest? I love that we can plan a day like within a few … Read more

Chanterelle Foraging in Western Washington 2021

chanterelles cooking with butter and onion

One of my favorite aspects of hunting is being able to harvest mushrooms as I explore and hunt for big game throughout western Washington.

Chanterelles are some of the best-tasting and widely available fall mushrooms with a season that can go from September all the way into December depending on where you are.

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Washington Elk Hunting October 2020

nice bull on my trail cam

This is my first year hunting elk in Western Washington, but I’m learning a lot and putting in the time to climb the elk hunting learning curve quickly. I wanted to share this, not from the perspective of an expert, but from the perspective of someone seeing elk hunting fresh, which means if you to are trying to get into elk hunting, my learning journey could be valuable to you as well.

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Blueberry picking near Tacoma

Plentiful free blueberries
Plentiful free blueberries are available on hundreds of bushes

Blueberries are one of the healthiest foods on the planet and can be easily purchased at a nearby grocery store. However, berry picking is also one of the easiest and fun activities to get your family outdoors, harvesting their own food in the Pacific Northwest. There are plenty of U Pick options out there for a fee, but how about completely free U Pick blueberries?

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U Pick Strawberries Puyallup June 2019

Red all the way through
Red all the way through!

If you’re like me, you find most store-bought strawberries to be basically inedible. They look red and appealing on the outside, but they are all white and tasteless on the inside. Disgusting! If you’ve never experienced the above-pictured berry, which is red and delicious all the way through, you are missing out on one of the most delectable treats of the entire Pacific Northwest!

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