Sekiu and Port Angeles Salmon Fishing July 2019

Epic Sekiu sunrise
Epic Sekiu sunrise looking towards the Strait and Clallam Bay

Have you ever wanted to make a trip to fish for Salmon in the Strait? Fishing in early July in the interior of Puget Sound can be good, but it also can be a grind-it-out affair as we wait for the bulk of the run to make its way inland.

Why not go to where the fish are? We will attempt to share everything we learned from our 3-day trip out west that might help you have a successful trip fishing the Strait for salmon in early July.

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Marine Area 11 Salmon 2019 Season Opener

Trolling point defiance
Trolling point defiance on the MA11 opener

I’m sure you’ve heard something about the Marine Area 11 Salmon 2019 Season Opener at this point but are probably curious on what is the truth of how it went and what it means for the rest of the season.

We were out there on the water and will share everything we observed while on the water and what we learned later on compiling the various reports to equip you with everything you need to know.

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Port Angeles Salmon Opener 2019

Port Angeles Salmon Fishing
Port Angeles Salmon Fishing off of Ediz Hook

Next week will begin a series of season openers for the 2019 salmon season for the Strait and interior of Puget Sound. For the last several years, I’ve attended the opener out in Port Angeles and had excellent results. This year may be even better, for a number of reasons we will discuss in this post.

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Downrigger Wire Voltage Test

Voltage test

Are you repelling fish with your downrigger wire? Just switch to braid right? You don’t have this concern of repelling fish with braid, but you also don’t have the advantage of attracting fish with the electrical charge being put out by your downrigger wire either.

If you had a bad season of fishing with wire, are you worried that a mystery electrical issue is the root cause?

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2019 Springer Fishing on the Columbia River

Nice fat springer caught just above Warrior Rock

This years run of spring kings on the Columbia River had me seriously questioning whether it was worth the time and effort to drive 2.5 hours, fish a new part of the river and chase a run predicted to be worse than most recent previous years. Here’s the deal though: One, just one Columbia River Springer is enough to make it worth the effort. The meat quality is better than any other salmon or steelhead (fish?) you can angle for in the Pacific Northwest.

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History of Puget Sound Salmon Runs

Hatchery production by region

Anyone who has fished for Puget Sound salmon has no doubt heard of (or experienced) the “good old days”. We’ve all heard the many theories about what has happened to the great abundance of fish.

I just recently finished reading a fantastic book on the history of Puget Sound salmon runs that is a must read for anyone interested in what has happened to these great runs of fish that once made Puget Sound the center of all salmon fishing and more importantly to glean insights about where we are going.

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Fishing for birds at 100 ft down?

Uhhh, what?

I got the opportunity to fish aboard my friends boat up in the San Juan’s and I was happy to drive the 2.5 hours to make it happen. I’ve only been able to make it out up there a few times, but the scenery and experience never lets me down. The fishing for fish can be pretty awesome at times as well.

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