Fishing Update for February 2025, Blackmouth, Steelhead, and Fish Politics

Steelhead after drift boat trip in SW Washington

Unlike many times when I get inspired to write, I have a few things to say about many different topics as opposed to much to say about one topic. There are things you absolutely need to know as we head into March, which is typically an extremely active month of harvest recreation activity in the PNW.

Read on for more details.

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My January, 2025 salmon fishing trip to Canadian waters

Hooking a nice blackmouth chinook spring in Canadian waters in January 2025

I recently embarked on a fishing trip across the international border into Canada, where you can legally catch and keep all sorts of salmon that are not legal to catch and keep in the State of Washington (more on this topic further down!).

I will share a few helpful tips and my overall report from our fishing trip, but also how you can quite easily go through the steps and requirements to have your own fishing trip in Canada while we wait for our blackmouth seasons to open up in Puget Sound.

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Opportunities all 2025 in the PNW to hunt, fish and forage

Happy New Year! I don’t know why I get so excited each year as the calendar turns over, but I do. Another year full of fishing, hunting, and foraging opportunities in 2025 is ahead of us, and this blog post will break it down. Think of this list as inspiration and ideas, not necessarily as … Read more

Puget Sound Salmon Forecasts 2024

Couple of beefy puget sound chinook

I endured 6 hours of North of Falcon zoom meetings to bring you these fresh-off-the-grill salmon forecasts for the year 2024!

Okay, it wasn’t that bad. This forecast “unveiling” was the beginning of the North of Falcon process, wherein the salmon seasons get set and eventually printed prior to the July 1st new regulations year.

If you’re already confused, you are in good company as the entire process of salmon forecast models and the resulting seasons leave a lot of recreational anglers who are only semi-familiar with the process scratching their heads.

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2024 Winter Chinook Blackmouth Fishery to open 4 days a week

Limits of Blackmouth in MA10 Jan 2022

For many Puget Sound anglers, this announcement of our winter chinook fishery beginning on March 1st, 2024 is absolutely exciting. March is often the beginning of the recreational fishing calendar for those with a boat. This announcement is also a reminder of the challenge and difficulty of fishing seasons in Puget Sound the last few years with the restriction of being only open for 4 days a week.

We cover all the details of this WDFW news and provide links to helpful resources in this blog post.

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Explaining the Marine Area 10 closure, re-opening in August 2023

marine area 10 chinook king salmon near seattle aug 2023

The summer salmon season in 2023 was one of the absolute best in quite some time!

The abundance of coho and chinook results in many wonderful fish-catching adventures throughout the Puget Sound, Strait, and Ocean.

However, many anglers will best remember 2023 for the two very confusing, confounding, and anger-inducing closures that occurred in Marine Area 10 and Marine Area 11.

This blog article attempts to explain the Marine Area 10 closure in much greater detail than how most of us have previously understood it.

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Changes I made to stop losing big chinook while trolling

Holding a 17 lb westport chinook king salmon

If you’ve been a follower of our YouTube channel (you should be!), you know that we ran out to Neah Bay not long after the June salmon opener for a single-day incredible turn-and-burn trip. And on that trip, we hooked into 8 quality chinook but lost 6 of those, and only landed 2.

I’ve recently made some changes and have gone 11 for 11 on quality chinook since those changes. This blog post is to highlight what exactly I changed.

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Should we lie to WDFW about the fish we caught?

Box full of fresh chrome salmon

You might be thinking this is a ridiculous blog post just from the title, but it’s actually a really important question to think through with a full understanding of how our fishing and catching data is used by WDFW. By attempting to apply logic and reason to this question we will hopefully illuminate some things we may not fully understand.

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