Pink Salmon Run 2025

Chrome bright pink salmon from the Puget Sound

Sunny weather, non-stop smiles, and non-stop action are what pink salmon fishing in and around Puget Sound is all about, and this blog post is going to get you primed! You will want to bookmark it as the hordes of Pink Salmon make their into Puget Sound, the graphs on this page will let you know where exactly the run is at. I can hardly contain my excitement!

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2025 Chinook Salmon Forecast for Puget Sound

Fastest limit of chinook salmon on a solo trip near Point Defiance in Marine Area 11

Can you already smell the sweet, foul(but not really) smell of a fresh chinook that just came on board your boat? It’s time to review the Chinook forecasts for 2025 for Puget Sound!

Where will the strongest run of chinook show up in Puget Sound in 2025? What will be the most constraining run that all our seasons will be impacted by? I bet it’s from a river that starts with an S! Keep reading to find out.

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2025 Puget Sound Pink Forecast

Marine Area 10 limits of pink and coho Aug 2023

Every odd year is special. Our salmon returns in Puget Sound get a major boost most odd years from the more-than-famous Pink Salmon! Whether you find them the most exciting part of your salmon fishing season, a complete nuisance, or something in between, this blog post will unpack when you can expect in the year 2025, the year the humpy!

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2025 Coho Salmon Forecast for Puget Sound

20230703 fish box full of coho

Coho Salmon make up the backbone of Puget Sound salmon fishing nearly every year! Fun and easy enough to catch, great table fare and decent fighters make coho the premier salmon species target of recreational anglers.

I’m not going to sugarcoat things, 2025 has some real storm clouds brewing on the Coho fishery that we haven’t seen in a few years and we are not far enough into the process as it stands in early March to see through it all.

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Fishing Update for February 2025, Blackmouth, Steelhead, and Fish Politics

Steelhead after drift boat trip in SW Washington

Unlike many times when I get inspired to write, I have a few things to say about many different topics as opposed to much to say about one topic. There are things you absolutely need to know as we head into March, which is typically an extremely active month of harvest recreation activity in the PNW.

Read on for more details.

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My January, 2025 salmon fishing trip to Canadian waters

Hooking a nice blackmouth chinook spring in Canadian waters in January 2025

I recently embarked on a fishing trip across the international border into Canada, where you can legally catch and keep all sorts of salmon that are not legal to catch and keep in the State of Washington (more on this topic further down!).

I will share a few helpful tips and my overall report from our fishing trip, but also how you can quite easily go through the steps and requirements to have your own fishing trip in Canada while we wait for our blackmouth seasons to open up in Puget Sound.

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Opportunities all 2025 in the PNW to hunt, fish and forage

Happy New Year! I don’t know why I get so excited each year as the calendar turns over, but I do. Another year full of fishing, hunting, and foraging opportunities in 2025 is ahead of us, and this blog post will break it down. Think of this list as inspiration and ideas, not necessarily as … Read more

Out squid jig your friends by using a line counter reel to pinpoint squid

Squid coming out of the water showing line counter reel

One of my favorite late fall into wintertime activities is squid jigging. And look, squid don’t put up a fight or create the excitement of peeling line like some of the fish we catch, but squid jigging absolutely belongs in your PNW harvest recreation calendar!

This blog post is all about the secret weapon I’ve developed (stolen?) to out-squid jig your friends on your boat and all the boats around you by having a slightly different gear approach.

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What is the PNW Best Life?

Sekiu sunrise over flat calm Strait of Juan De Fuca Waters

Kind of a silly name for a fishing website right?

I’ve had in mind from the beginning that I wanted to promote a particular lifestyle and way of life over just being a fishing website or fishing channel. But I haven’t taken the time to explain what I’m all about and what I’m after.

That’s what this blog post is going to make clear, and I hope you will take the time to read it and join the community of like-minded folks who want to preserve a lifestyle of sustainably, ethically harvesting food from one of the greatest corners of planet Earth, the Pacific Northwest.

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Will we get to fish for Washington Coast Steelhead in 2024-2025

Steelhead breaking surface

The short answer to this question is that it’s highly likely we WILL get to fish for winter steelhead on a majority of coastal rivers in Washington this 2024-2025 season.

Update on 12/1/2024: The answer is yes, we will get to fish for winter steelhead on many rivers according to WDFW News Release here.

The primary reason for that is the much better wild steelhead forecasts that WDFW unveiled earlier in October for rivers up and down the coast. Finally! Some good news on this front after several years of incredibly disappointing forecasts and perplexing fishing seasons that limited even the hatchery fishing opportunities in places with little to no impact on wild steelhead.

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