Port Angeles Chinook Salmon Fishing

Fishing for Chinook Salmon in Marine Area 6 can provide an incredible experience!
Typically, the chinook salmon retention area is the area west of the red buoy at Ediz Hook.
That Ediz Hook troll is where I caught my first chinook on my first boat I’ve owned in the area.
The waters of Marine Area 6 are often “big water”, so you need to have some idea of what you are getting into before venturing out.
I will never forget that first time out taking one pass to hook a king in 70 ft of water trolling a small spoon while battling 4 ft wind waves / swells leftover from an earlier storm. We caught that one chinook and got the heck out of there!
While I’ve shifted much of my effort further west towards Sekiu and Neah, that Ediz Hook troll will have a special place in my heart and it’s a place where a serious beatdown often occurs on chinook salmon headed for Puget Sound and Hood Canal rivers.
Updated Creel Report for Marine Area 6 – Port Angeles Chinook Salmon Fishing

The above chart will update automatically as creel reports are uploaded on the WDFW site.
When to fish for Chinook Salmon in Marine Area 6 – Port Angeles

Marine Area 6 will typically boast a longer season than many areas of the interior Puget Sound and fishing can be great all the way from that first day in July and into August.
My absolute favorite thing about Port Angeles area chinook though is how good of biters they usually are.

These salmon are often very actively feeding and they will have that brilliant chrome / blue/purple color pattern you only see on an ocean chinook that is nowhere close to its spawning ground.
Good biters and good numbers with ample season opportunity explain that chart and Port Angeles chinook salmon fishing as well.
Permanent Regulations for Marine Area 6 – Port Angeles
Please refer to the permanent regulations for Marine Area 6 as maintained by WDFW here.
Need more help understanding saltwater salmon regulations? Consult our guide to understanding saltwater salmon regulations in Washington here.
Emergency Regulations for Marine Area 6 – Port Angeles
Please refer to WDFW’s emergency rules page for a full list that are in effect.
How to fish for Chinook Salmon near Port Angeles / Marine Area 6
Take a look at our parent page – Puget Sound Salmon Fishing for ideas on how to target these actively feeding chinook.