The Springer fishing opportunity on the Columbia river could be better than expected once the stay home order lifts and fishing is opened up again. I’m going to break down for you exactly why that will be the case.
If we weren’t in this “Stay home, stay healthy” order in the State of Washington and shutdown of the state recreational fisheries, I would be planning to fish for springers on the Columbia River next week.
WDFW announced earlier in the month that the Springer run on the Columbia River would be up 12% from the actual return. These numbers are still incredibly low from a 10 year average perspective, but should still provide angling opportunity if the forecast comes to fruition.

Take a look at the above graph, even on April 11th last year, there were only 5 adult chinook heading over the Bonneville Dam. And in fact, the numbers didn’t spike up until the second half of April last year (about April 18th).
The open days to fish this year have a much better setup than what is typically the case. Typically, the fishery closes in early April or April 1st and they assess the quota and what future opportunities can be opened.
They then provide limited opportunities throughout the month of April in spurts. This year, after April 1st, Thursday-Saturday will be open every week.
So, what can you do now in your home lockdown to prepare? First off, I want you to save this link and start watching how many fish are headed over the dams. Don’t refresh it every day, but maybe a few times a week, keep an eye on what’s going on here.
Next, head over to our complete guide to springer fishing on the Columbia River. Now is the time to tie leaders and get tackle prepared for when things open up. I’ve got my rods rigged for Blackmouth still, but I doubt I will be out doing that again this season. As soon as things open up, I have 2-3 angling priorities: Springer fishing, Westport Bottom Fishing, and Halibut in the Strait.
You are going to want to tie several rolls of 48″ dual hook leader setups. You may want to put in some online orders of the other tackle you need will need.
You are going to want to make leaders out of the 2/0 and 3/0 hooks with the 25 lb Seaguar flourocarbon. There are a number of Big Al’s Fish Flash colors by Yakima Bait Co that work. Also the short bus flashers. You will want the sinker sliders as a means to attach your dropper and lead. For a full explanation of the rigging refer to that section of our detailed page on Columbia River Springer Fishing.
Stay safe, be healthy and I hope to see you out there by mid-April dropping the hammer on the best tasting salmon on the planet!