Okay, so maybe you can’t quite convince your family to join you on an epic quest for winter steelhead or blackmouth, but recreating outside together is an essential part of experiencing the PNW Best Life.
Last week, we were finally rewarded with a nice stretch of sun, and that pattern looks to repeat for most of this week as well. All bets are off after that! So why not dust off the ole bike and get the family out riding (or walking) on the awesome Foothills Trail near Orting, WA?
We biked the Foothills Trail near Orting on Presidents Day and we were blessed with some great sunny weather and mild temperatures. The trailhead is impossible to miss once you drive through the town of Orting.

We parked in the gravel lot, unloaded our bikes and proceeded east towards South Prairie.
One of my favorite parts about this trail is that it takes me really close to the Carbon River. And when I’m nearing the Carbon River…I’m thinking about the first salmon I ever caught on my own once I moved back to the PNW.
Or the first steelhead I caught. I also like to think about the upcoming season and how before long, the river will be filled with migrating chinook and coho salmon heading to their terminal area in the Voights Creek Hatchery.

We are not really a biking family. We are not especially a hiking family. But we are a family that recreates outdoors in the PNW.
Ever since my kids were little, they’ve been taught to appreciate the outdoors through camping, hiking, fishing, and adventuring throughout the year. So don’t think this is some kind of exclusive recreational opportunity. It’s not. You literally show up with your crew and make it work, however it works.
So with the kids off from school, we took advantage of the sun and 50-degree weather to put a few miles behind us on our bikes. We of course had to spend plenty of time at the grandparents’ house using their air compressor on each and every bike tire…which should tell you how passionate we are about the hobby.

The Foothills Trail is not one that should intimidate anybody. There’s no pretense about it. Anyone can and does take advantage of the trail. There are the spandex-wearing “more serious” bikers, the walkers, the joggers, and even the skateboarders, and then folks like us, just looking to get out and knock some dust off.
You can go all 11 miles from Orting to Buckley, or turn around after 4-5 miles and mosey your way back, which is more of what we did.

I know, it’s not on the weekend, but if you get a chance or you get a good weather window this weekend, it’s worth the drive and worth the time to experience and more importantly, to help your family experience a bit of the outdoors.
And, if this whole idea seems way too granola and healthy for you, you can do what we did, and stop at Legendary Donuts after our ride, which is within walking distance of the Orting trailhead. They’ve got maple bars there that nobody has any business eating in one setting, but that’s what we did. Spandex is not for everyone, you know…