2022 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons

A nice pair of coho caught in MA10

Tracking all of the news and developments as the 2022 Puget Sound Salmon Season takes shape through the North of Falcon process and eventually becomes our season for fishing the Puget Sound for Salmon.

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2021 Draft / Proposed Puget Sound Salmon Seasons

Wild king caught and released from green buoy area around Sekiu
Wild king caught and released from green buoy area around Sekiu in 2020

We are now within a week or so from getting the final 2021 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons, and based on what’s in the proposed / draft version, it’s mostly good news for the summer salmon season, though 2022 Blackmouth is still a problem.

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Sekiu Fishing for Blackmouth and Ling March 2021

Posing with big ling

We recently got back from a trip to Sekiu in the middle of March 2021 where we fished for blackmouth and bottom fish like lingcod, cabezon, and black rockfish (sea bass).

The entire trip was incredible from start to finish. If you have a few days to get away to Sekiu, it’s a must-visit fishing destination when the season is going. Let’s get to the trip details!

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2021 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons

Fishing for king salmon in Sekiu WA is one of the absolute best salmon fishing opportunities!
Fishing for king salmon in Sekiu and Neah Bay WA is one of the absolute best salmon fishing opportunities!

2021 Salmon seasons are now finalized as the North of Falcon process which determines the sport fishing seasons working with the tribes, concludes.

Marine Area 5 (Sekiu) is currently open until April 30th for hatchery chinook. Marine Area 13 is the only place to fish for hatchery chinook in May. Starting in June and into July, the opportunity expands considerably, see the details below.

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Marine Area 9 Blackmouth Fishing February, 2020

blackmouth release of sub legal
Release of sub legal blackmouth

Marine Area 9 opened up on February 1st for fishing for and retention of a single hatchery chinook 22″ and larger (blackmouth). There were some initial positive reports and lots of “shaker city” kind of reports.

I couldn’t help myself for too long before I had to go out and check things out.

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