We are now within a week or so from getting the final 2021 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons, and based on what’s in the proposed / draft version, it’s mostly good news for the summer salmon season, though 2022 Blackmouth is still a problem.
Let’s review each of the draft seasons as they are arranged by Marine Area. Remember, all of these are draft / proposed, not the final approved thing! Please refer to the post on 2021 Puget Sound Salmon Seasons for the final / approved version.
The one thing I don’t see is the pink salmon bonus limit in any Marine Area. Did I miss it?
That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but let’s wait and see.
Marine Area 5, 6 and 7

I do like seeing the coho season in MA5 Aug 15 – Sep 30, though it is Mark Selective (hatchery only).
We will have the MA5 blackmouth season again in 2022, though that’s likely the only place to fish for blackmouth in March 2022.
Marine Area 7, 8-1 and 8-2

Unfortunately for San Juan anglers in MA7, I’m not seeing any expanded seasons from the drastically cut 2020 seasons.
MA8-2 remains a hatchery-only fishery for Coho and no Chinook retention outside of the typical Tulalip bubble fishery.
Marine Area 8-2, 9 and 10

Marine Area 9 looks to be a typical season, though it’s good it might be starting on July 16th instead of that late July 25th start. If the fish come in hungry and on time, it could be a season that doesn’t last more than 2 weeks.
It’s great to see the MA10 resident coho season starting on June 1st again. Followed by a typical proposed chinook season. There’s another proposed non-selective coho season throughout the summer as well which should provide the backbone of salmon opportunity near Seattle all summer long.
There is a MA10 blackmouth season in 2022, but it will likely be another quick closure with all the short encounters expected.
Marine Area 10 and 11

Here’s a pretty awesome potential season…the return of the June 1st Chinook opener in MA11. The fishing in July in the South Sound is often challenged to meet the quota, but some of the best fishing is available in June with early returning summer fish which are still actively feeding throughout MA11 and MA13.
Marine Area 12 and 13

These look to be fairly typical proposed seasons in MA12 and 13.
Thanks again. Terrific work helping inform PNW anglers are what is happening in our region. Keep up the great work!
Thanks Bryan! Here’s to some good puget sound salmon seasons!