'Video thumbnail for How to pick apart a river drift for chinook (king) salmon'

How to pick apart a river drift for chinook (king) salmon

visibility 587 views calendar_month Feb 5, 2025

You may find a lot of videos that show you some epic moments and some techniques, but this one will break down everything that goes into picking apart a fishy looking stretch of water that you suspect holds a few chinook salmon. I talk about what parts of the drift and show you exactly where I fished before I found pay dirt. I talk about the process of finding the right cast and depth that produced this chinook. I also show 90% of the footage of the battle with this 13 lb chinook that really kicked my butt using its weight and size in the current to mercilessly pull line as it headed downriver. Drop me a question in the comments section if I can clarify anything I talked about here. Here are some links you might find helpful in replicating my success: https://pnwbestlife.com/river-fishing-for-salmon/ https://pnwbestlife.com/best-fishing-rod-for-salmon/ https://pnwbestlife.com/best-fishing-reel-for-salmon-steelhead/ https://pnwbestlife.com/river-fishing-for-salmon/float-fishing-for-salmon/ Also, as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases you make via the links below. Using the links below costs you nothing additional, but allows us to keep putting out quality content that hopefully helps you to enjoy the outdoors in the Pacific Northwest. Conservation River Net - https://amzn.to/3QceGv1 Waterproof tackle bag 30L - https://amzn.to/3MxTZZp Dalstrong fillet knife 7 inch - https://amzn.to/45ZHka6

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